Memorial Day weekend opening

Malbec with La PampaLa Pampa is kicking off the season with a party on May 26th, Memorial Day weekend!

Join us at Peifer Orchards for an evening of authentic Argentine grilling–local, whole meats, chickens, and Malbec wine reception. Bring the whole family, all are welcome!

5-7pm. $14 suggested donation per adult, kids free. Please rsvp below by leaving a comment or email:

We were happy to see some recent publicity around what has long been La Pampa’s cooking philosophy and message (slow food) with Michael Pollan’s newest book: Cooked.

colbert pollanDid you see his interview on The Colbert Report?

This extended interview on Democracy Now is excellent: “How Reclaiming Cooking Can Save Our Food System, Make Us Healthy & Grow Democracy”

Looking forward to seeing everyone on the 26th!